Ankle instability

Ankle instability is a condition whereby the ankle feels like it is constantly ‘giving way.’ Those suffering from the condition may experience pain, discomfort, tenderness and swelling.


Arthritis can affect many people. People sometimes say they have ‘rheumatism’. This general term is used to describe any sort of pain in the joints.

Buried canine teeth

Buried canine teeth are canine teeth that have failed to grow correctly.


Bursitis is when bursae, fluid filled sacs, become inflamed

Chiari malformation

A chiari malformation is a defect in the base of your brain and spinal cord that puts pressure on your cerebellum.

Chronic back pain

If you have experienced back pain that lasts for 3 months or more, it is referred to as chronic.

Chronic pain

Pain that lasts for longer than three months is called chronic pain. The pain can be a result of illness, an injury or accident or have no apparent trigger. It may vary in intensity and be in any part of your body.

Claw toes

Claw toe and hammer toe are deformities that happen when the tendons (guiders) that move the toes get too tight or out of balance. The affected toe can rub on other toes and on the inside of your shoe, causing pressure and pain.

Complex regional pain syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome is severe, long term pain usually as a result of an injury. It is normally confined to one limb that becomes extremely sensitive to even slight changes in temperature or touch.


In babies, the tissues holding together the sections of bone that create the skull should remain flexible. When one or more sutures fuse early, this is called craniosynostosis.

Degenerative conditions of the shoulder

Cartlidge in the shoulder can wear down over time.

Diabetic foot

Diabetes can cause reduced blood circulation or nerve damage to your feet meaning you might not realise you have an injury or ulcer.

Disc prolapse

The discs in your back can become worn or be injured causing the soft centre of the disc to push out of its normal space.

Drop foot

Drop foot is a symptom of an underlying nerve, brain or muscular problem that causes weakness or paralysis in the muscles you use to lift your foot when you walk.

Femoral acetabular impingement (FAI)

Femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) occurs when the bones in your hip joint become uneven, causing greater friction in the joint and restricting smooth movement.

Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is when the range of motion in your shoulder becomes restricted and painful.

Hallux Rigidus

Hallux rigidus is stiffness and pain in the big toe joint while walking. It is usually caused by arthritis and can affect patients of all ages.

Hammer Toe

Toe problems and toe deformities such as claw toe and hammer toe happen when the tendons (guiders) that move the toes get too tight or out of balance.

Heel Bone (OS Calcis) Fracture

Heel bone fractures are one of the most common fractures seen by consultants. They often happen as a result of a fall from a height such as a ladder.

Hip osteoarthritis

As one of the largest joints in the body, your hip joint supports your upper body as you walk, stand, run, bend and stretch. Sometimes called the “ball and socket” joint, your hip joint includes a rounded head of the femur (thighbone) that fits into the acetabulum (a socket in your pelvis).

Inflammatory arthritis

Inflammatory arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Your body’s normal defence system begin triggers an attack on the cells in the lining of your joints.

Inflammatory spondylarthropathy

Sometimes called ankylosing spondylitis (AS), inflammatory spondylarthropathy is a form of inflammatory arthritis that affects the spine.

Knee osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is a degenerative disease and is often referred to as "wear and tear" of a joint as you get older.


Myelopathy is a condition where the spinal cord becomes narrow or compressed. Often myelopathy is caused by degenerative changes such as stenosis, herniated disc or spinal injury.

Non-union or mal-union of fracture

Non-union of a fracture occurs when the ends of a broken bone fail to heal.


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is a degenerative disease and is often referred to as "wear and tear" of a joint as you get older.


Osteoporosis literally means ‘porous bones’ and is one of the most common bone diseases in the world.

Osteoporotic vertebral fractures

Osteoporotic fractures occur when the vertebrae (small bones in your spine) weaken. Fractures can occur due to a fall or other trauma.

Painful arc syndrome

Painful arc syndrome or impingement syndrome is a very common shoulder problem. Symptoms occur when you raise your arm overhead or lift your arm to the side away from your body.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common form of inflammatory arthritis. Inflammatory arthritis is an autoimmune disease.

Rheumatoid foot

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common form of inflammatory arthritis. Inflammatory arthritis is an autoimmune disease.

Shoulder instability

The shoulder joint is very movable, but as a result can dislocate easily.

Spinal aneurysms

Our experienced consultants can diagnose and treat spinal aneurysms in a hospital near you.

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal.


Syringomyelia occurs when fluid filled cysts form in your spinal cord causing pressure or obstructing nerves.

Tarsal coalition

Tarsal coalition is a congenital condition - meaning it presents at birth. It occurs when the tarsal bones fail to separate during foetal development.

Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is an injury caused by the repeated strain of gripping or twisting your wrist and arm.

Trigger finger

Trigger finger occurs when the tendons in your hand become swollen or irritated.

Whiplash associated disorder

Whiplash is an injury to the neck and/or upper body caused by a sudden acceleration (rapid movement) of the head forward, backward or to the side.